
Be nice, say hi! What to do near horses

By John Magrath

Now that so many more of us are getting out and about on our bikes, it feels like a very good time to revive some excellent advice from Cycling UK about what to do when we encounter horse riders.

The best and worst Oxfordshire summertime cycle paths

By Andy Chivers

Many of us are enjoying rides into the countryside and one of the pleasures is seeing other people on their bikes, especially family groups. For those in the city, getting out to the countryside presents some interesting choices, and sometimes the routes need a haircut even more than the rest of us.

200th bike for keyworkers is handed out

By Kathryn McNicoll

As we approach the 200th bike to be handed out to keyworkers across Oxford it is perhaps a good time to reflect on the extraordinary success of this project.

Active travel campaigners fear Oxford will miss out on £2.4m COVID-19 emergency fund

Oxfordshire County Council’s failure to consult local stakeholder groups has put ‘free money’ to make cycling and walking safer in jeopardy.

Why we support bus gates

By Alison Hill

Last summer (how long ago that now seems) our two councils published “Connecting Oxford”, proposing radical changes to the city transport. It included bus gates, better bus services connecting centres of employment in the east of the city, and a workplace parking levy to support these changes.

Deliveries by cargo bike

By Alison Hill

During the pandemic we all witnessed the extraordinary and eery sight of the streets of Oxford empty of motor traffic, and sadly empty of people walking and cycling. Think back to what the congested polluted streets were like before the pandemic.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are simple

By Danny Yee

There is nothing at all complicated about low traffic neighbourhoods, even if urban planners turn them into acronyms (LTNs) and introduce jargon (such as ‘modal filter’).

Going solo while we wait to see what happens

By Craig Willis

Back in January, I joined a cycling club. I’ve never been a member of a cycling club before so I was very excited by the prospect of meeting new people, having interesting conversations about the two-wheeled life, and perhaps the m…

Oxfordshire County Council needs to be bold and ambitious

By Alison Hill

In order to get more people cycling and walking once lockdown eases, the Government created an Emergency Active Travel fund that councils with responsibilities for highways could bid for. The invitation to bid set out a very clear requirement that any …

Celebrating the arrival of 500th Cyclox member

By Alison Hill

When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.