
Oxfordshire County Council needs to be bold and ambitious

By Alison Hill

In order to get more people cycling and walking once lockdown eases, the Government created an Emergency Active Travel fund that councils with responsibilities for highways could bid for. The invitation to bid set out a very clear requirement that any …

Celebrating the arrival of 500th Cyclox member

By Alison Hill

When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.

Things to bear in mind when choosing a new bicycle

By Roger Symonds

We have speculated in previous columns about what will happen to people who have started riding bikes during this pandemic. A YouGov survey has found that a majority (85%) do not wish to go back to how the world was…

ON YER BIKE: Cycling without barriers in this brave new world with Active Oxfordshire

Many of you reading this column will be eagerly awaiting the county’s plans for how it will use Oxfordshire’s share of the national pot of £250 million for ‘pop-up infrastructure’ – bold, quick-to-implement, and low-cost solutions to encourage walking …

Cycling without barriers

By Paul Brivio, Chief Executive of Active Oxfordshire

As we seek to find new ways of travelling while effectively socially distancing, access to a bicycle becomes a real issue of inequality.

Bike Week 2020

The Cyclox Committee shares what this year’s Bike Week (June 6-14th) holds for them.

This year it’s Bike Week with a difference

By Andy Chivers

This week is Bike Week and I find myself reflecting on the ironic contrast with previous Bike Weeks since we can’t organise rides, but many more people are out there riding a bike and would probably have enjoyed an organised ride.


Building a picture of Oxford’s cycling community during Covid-19. Tag us in your photos and films – taken while you stay at home, or maintain physical distancing – showing an unexpected benefit of Covid-19 that you would like to keep when we move into less difficult times.

Oxford campaign groups demand urgent say in allocation of £3m COVID-19 active travel fund

Cyclox and Oxford Pedestrians’ Association (OxPA) ask for input on Council proposals to make cycling and walking safer post-lockdown and relieve pressure on public transport.

Cycling under lockdown: Bicester bike users

By Matt Reid and Jenny Ward

Bicester Bike User Group share the experiences of teaching a 4 year old to ride a bike, and re-gaining the confidence to cycle again.