
Save lives in Oxford with 20 mph

By Alison Hill

20 mph saves lives. The likelihood of severe or fatal injury to a pedestrian struck by a driver is 17% at 20 mph, 30% at 25 mph and 47% at 30 mph. There are 7–10 times fewer fatalities if a collision occurs at 20 mph compared to 30 mph. Inevitably, people make errors of judgement on roads, but those errors are less serious at slower speeds.

Oxford’s 70-year battle with traffic jams

By Robin Tucker

Just before the Covid pandemic, cycles brought 20% of peak-hour travellers into Oxford city centre. This was the same number as cars, but taking less road space. Buses were the only transport mode moving more people than these two. As traffic returns to its pre-Covid levels, it’s worth an exploration of how Oxford’s transport history differs from that of other cities.

Businesses big and small switch to cargo bikes

By Emily Kerr

Last month, Amazon announced a £300 m investment in the UK: electrifying its vans and shifting more cities to cargo-bike deliveries. Oxford now has three medium-sized businesses using cargo bikes for delivery: Pedal & Post, Velocity and Oxwash. And we have a sole-trader: a cargo-bike gardening business launched last year. 

Transporting a wheelchair by bike

By Damian Haywood

We found that because I cycle to work, and my profoundly disabled son Matias uses home-to-school transport, our usual transport, an adapted van, was sitting on the drive at least five days a week and rarely used at the weekend. We therefore made a decision: let’s give it up, get an alternative and see if it works.

I love my Brompton bicycle

By Alison Hill

I own a Brompton bike. It is a remarkable piece of engineering. Perfecting the design took years of tireless dedication. Not only is it the most compact of fold-up bikes but it also has good gearing. This makes it easy to ride, which is why it deserves its iconic status amongst cycle riders, and why you see them all over Oxford.

Safe, legal and comfortable: how to cycle in winter

By Andy Chivers

Every autumn the shorter cooler days come as a bit of a surprise. After months of riding with little thought about bad weather I am now looking for my waterproofs and thinking about my lights. What are the essentials for legal, safe, enjoyable bike riding this winter?

Car sharing for a better city

By Emily Kerr

A year ago, I set up a car-sharing scheme in my neighbourhood in East Oxford. Neighbours make their cars available to other verified local drivers via an app called Hiyacar, which sorts out the insurance and booking. The sharers who provide the cars get a fee for doing so.

No more cycle deaths in Oxford

By Alison Hill

One year has passed since the death of cyclist Jenny Wong at the junction of Headley Way and London Road. It is six months since Ellen Moilanen died at Oxford Parkway and Ling Felce at the Plain. All young women on their bikes, all in collision with heavy goods vehicles turning left.

What is Vision Zero?

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

A car-free Broad Street at last

By Jonny Ives

This feels like a radical moment in a city built for so many centuries in the interests and images of wealth and royalty. Broad Street is losing its car park.