Category: On Yer Bike

This year it’s Bike Week with a difference

By Andy Chivers

This week is Bike Week and I find myself reflecting on the ironic contrast with previous Bike Weeks since we can’t organise rides, but many more people are out there riding a bike and would probably have enjoyed an organised ride.

Cycling under lockdown: Bicester bike users

By Matt Reid and Jenny Ward

Bicester Bike User Group share the experiences of teaching a 4 year old to ride a bike, and re-gaining the confidence to cycle again.

3 Simple Steps to Promote Active Travel

By Mark Utting

The government’s recent promotion of ‘active travel’ is fantastic news and the announcement of £2bn of funding could stretch a long way if allocated wisely.

Happy family cycling during the lockdown

By Kath Cochrane

Cycling is, at the moment, one of the few things we are allowed to do, writes Kath Cochrane. If you have children, and if your house is anything like mine, getting out for daily exercise is crucial for sanity.

Pedalling fast on our cycles for key workers project

By Alison Hill

Every Thursday evening at 8pm people are out in the streets applauding, banging pots and pans, and playing music, to celebrate our NHS and social care workers.

Remembering Claudia

By Sam Chappell

It’s been 3 years since Oxford felt the shock and the roar from someone being killed while cycling on our roads.

Cycles of time

By Rob Ainlsey

Writer Rob Ainsley returned with his bike to Oxford for the first time in 35 years. It’s changed since then. So’s everything…

What happens after Covid-19?

By Roger Symonds

At the time of writing, we have been in lockdown for three weeks. People have permission to exercise once a day. We can go out with people we live with, but group rides are not allowed.

Reasons to be hopeful?

By Oly Shipp

As I cycled through East Oxford with my kids this morning, I began to realise there may be some positives to the present worrying situation.

Covid-19 and Cycling

By Alison Hill

Managing the spread of Covid-19 is resulting in more and more restrictions on our lives. Cycling is one activity Cyclox believes that it is essential to maintain over the coming difficult weeks and months.