
We want safe streets for all – now

Our campaign focus is to create safer, better and more welcoming streets for all road users. We are calling for Vision Zero to be implemented by 2030.

Vision Zero means a future where no-one is killed or seriously injured on Oxford’s roads. It is a strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

Traffic deaths are seen as an inevitable part of our current transport system. Serious crashes are described as ‘accidents’. But these life-changing tragedies are preventable.

What we are campaigning for

High-quality protected cycle lanes to reduce conflicts with motor vehicles. This is most important for HGVs, which cause a  disproportionate number of serious cycling crashes.

Safe junctions and crossings for people walking and cycling. These are the points where deaths and serious injuries are most likely to happen.

A 20 mph speed limit across the city to reduce the number of road casualties and severity of injuries.

Safety standards for HGVs coming into the city. We want all HGV drivers to be trained in safe urban driving. And we want their vehicles to comply with the latest direct-vision standards.

Fewer car trips to make roads safer for walking and cycling. We need to replace or remove half the current car trips in Oxford by 2030.

Where we have got to

Shifting the date to 2030

Our first objective was to shift the Vision Zero goal from 2050 to 2030. We lobbied the County Council on this. Their 2024 strategy includes a 2030 date for residential areas.

2024 strategy

20 mph in the city

An increasing number of roads in the county are 20 mph. We continue to argue for this limit on main routes through the city. The bus companies are not yet in support.

Safe junctions

 We are working with the County Council on improving side-road entries and reviewing junctions. Our regular Kidical Mass rides are part of a worldwide campaign for for better infrastructure.

Procession of children cycling from the Plain towards Magdalen Bridge in Oxford. They are flanked by marshals, also on bikes and wearing hi-vis jackets