Tag: Active Travel

New Year’s cycling resolutions

By Alison Hill

As we said goodbye to 2022 and welcomed in 2023, we asked Cyclox members for their New Year cycling resolutions. We had some wonderful and aspirational responses.

Bike-buyers’ guide to non-standard cycles

By Emily Kerr

Cargo? Long-tail? Tag-along? Which should I buy? This article explains the difference between some different types of city cycle we see on Oxford’s streets.

Oxford’s 70-year battle with traffic jams

By Robin Tucker

Just before the Covid pandemic, cycles brought 20% of peak-hour travellers into Oxford city centre. This was the same number as cars, but taking less road space. Buses were the only transport mode moving more people than these two. As traffic returns to its pre-Covid levels, it’s worth an exploration of how Oxford’s transport history differs from that of other cities.

Respond to key Oxford transport consultations

Amplify our collective voice and respond to the Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan and the proposal to implement six trial traffic filters on key routes across Oxford

These public consultations will close on Thursday 13th October.

School Streets transform the school run

By Jamie Clarke

As the school year begins, the school-run traffic chaos will be missing from five Oxfordshire schools and nurseries. These schools have pioneered School Streets schemes for the county. Their pupils will avoid the usual traffic dangers, pollution and congestion. Instead they will be walking, cycling and scooting to and from their schools each day.

New local Travel Plan heralds radical change

Our statement on the Oxfordshire Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan

The Plan envisions Oxford as a city where transport is no longer dominated by the use of private cars, but a city where people can choose to travel conveniently by public transport and feel safe to cycle and walk. This will create a better, more liveable city, while simultaneously addressing the climate emergency and improving the health of Oxford’s residents and visitors. 

Sanctuary Wheels stories

By Kathryn McNicoll

Sanctuary Wheels, a project coordinated by Cyclox in partnership with Asylum Welcome and Active Oxfordshire, has been helping refugees throughout the county to gain independence and freedom. The project provides free bikes for all refugees. However, in the past few months the biggest influx, not surprisingly, has been Ukrainians. Here are two of their stories, told by the families supporting them.

Championing active travel

By Cllr Dan Levy

Why do we need an active travel champion? What do I do as champion? What are my ambitions are in this role? Although the champion role has no formal powers, I hope I can influence my fellow councillors, the Cabinet, and County Council officers to help people who want to get on their bikes.

How the Walton Street barrier got me out of my car and onto my bike

By Kate Seal

When I moved to Oxford a few years ago, I became obsessed about where to park my car. Previously I had lived in a rural area where every journey I made was by car. I was shocked to discover that I had to pay for a parking permit and even more shocked to discover how difficult it was to find a parking space near to my house.