Tag: Blog

What to do if you meet a horse rider

By John Magrath

What should you do if you meet a horse rider while out cycling? A couple of years ago I highlighted a very good educational campaign about this from Cycling UK and the British Horse Society called “Be Nice, Say Hi!” Basically, you should let the horse rider know you are there.

An e-bike can take you places

By Nick Thorn

In the four years I have had it, my Cube e-bike has taken most of the burden of transporting me and my belongings around the city (and sometimes to meetings up to 25 miles away). I live on the edge of Oxford, on Hurst Hill, and the added push of the electric motor makes carrying home a couple of panniers of shopping, or a trip to the pub, an absolute breeze.

Championing active travel

By Cllr Dan Levy

Why do we need an active travel champion? What do I do as champion? What are my ambitions are in this role? Although the champion role has no formal powers, I hope I can influence my fellow councillors, the Cabinet, and County Council officers to help people who want to get on their bikes.

Commuting: from car-share to e-bike

By Emily Kerr

Tiffany and Dawn are dinner ladies at a central Oxford primary school. Until this term, they shared a car to travel to work, along with another friend, commuting in to the city from Blackbird Leys. But what they really wanted was to try cycling.

Me and my bike: Jennifer Simmons

By Kathryn McNicoll

How long have you had your bike? Perhaps 5 years? 10? Well, Jennifer has had her bike for 31 years.

Your cycling journey with JoyRiders

By Annette Pattinson

This May, JoyRiders Oxford celebrated its first year running free, women-only group cycle rides led by trained female volunteers. In that year, we ran 33 rides in and around Oxford with 50 individual participants.

Bikes for refugees: Sanctuary Wheels

By Kathryn McNicoll

When the pandemic hit in 2020, Cyclox started refurbishing donated bikes to hand out to key workers. This year we were asked by Asylum Welcome if we could do something similar for refugees. The answer was of course: yes!

Cycle to work and get there on time!

By Jen Graystone

In 2011 I moved to Oxford to start a new job at the John Radcliffe Hospital (JR) as a consultant surgeon. As a surgeon, I work odd hours, sometimes finishing operations after midnight. I also have to be on call. I very quickly got into the habit of driving the 2.3 miles to work at the hospital on a daily basis.

Safer streets for active women and girls

By Matt Roebuck

Next weekend, on 11 June, one of the world’s most prestigious cycling events, The Women’s Tour, comes to Oxfordshire. According to its organisers, it brings with it a safety “bubble with…world class riders at the centre”.

Cargo bikes delivering change in Headington

By Jonny Ives

In the past 12 months cargo bikes have become a common sight across Oxford. Jonny Ives went up the hill to Headington to find out what lies beneath the growth of the